You can share your group from the Overview tab of the group page using any of the following methods:
- Copy a URL for the group and paste it in an email, blog, or website.
- If you have privileges to create items, create a group app using a configurable template.
- If the group is public, you can embed the group items in a website.
If your organization is configured to show social media links on item and group pages, the group page also includes Facebook and Twitter buttons that you can use to share the group through your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
You may not see all of these sharing options, depending on how your administrator has configured your portal website.
Share groups you own with everyone
If you have privileges to share groups outside the organization, you must make your groups viewable by everyone so others can find them. To do this, choose Everyone (public) for Who can view this group? when you create a group or update its settings. You can only embed groups that have this option selected.