Description: Coastal construction control lines for Lee County, Florida. This dataset includes the historical CCCL established in 1978 and is recorded at the Lee County Clerk, PB 31, PG 1. This line is known as the coastal construction setback line. The current CCCL (established in 1991) means the landward extent of that portion of the beach-dune system which is subject to severe fluctuations based upon a 100-year storm surge, storm waves or other predictable weather conditions, as established by the state Department of Environmental Protection in accordance with F.S. § 161.053. A copy of the aerials depicting the coastal construction line are recorded at the Clerk of Court, PB 48, PG15-34. See Lee County's Land Development Code (LDC) Section 34-1575 - Coastal zones.
Description: Points represent building locations that have an elevation certificate. Elevation certificates (FEMA Form 086-0-33) may be submitted as a permit requirement or part of a FEMA LOMA/LOMR application. Lowest adjacent finished grade next to building (LAG) and the top of the bottom floor of the building are provided in feet (NAVD 88 or NGVD 29). The points have been surveyed and certififed by a registered land surveyor or engineer.
Copyright Text: Lee County Department of Community Development
Description: Gasparilla Island Conservation District and Gasparilla Inn Historic Resort Area established by Laws of Florida, Chapter 80-473, as amended by Chapter 83-385 and 86-341. Acts establish develoment restrictions.