Description: The trails and paths are all located on Lee County Parks and Recreation managed lands. They are all available for public use and specific user groups are designated. It includes both trails that are typically located in less-developed parks or portions of parks as well as paved paths that are used by the public for recreation. Trails that are designed under the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are noted. More information on Lee County Parks and Recreation's recreational opportunities can be found at www.leeparks.orgSee RO.PARKSANDREC.C2020_Public_Trails and RO.PARKSANDREC.GreatCalusaBlueway_Path for additional trails and paths managed by Lee County Parks and Recreation.
Description: All the parks in this layer are managed by Lee County Parks and Recreation. Other properties in the inventory of the Parks and Recreation Department that are maintained by other entities can be found in RO.PARKSANDREC.CountyPartners.
Description: Properties in this layer are either owned by Lee County and maintained by another organization or facilities (school fields, pools, etc.) that are partially maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department and may be used for tournaments or other events.
Description: These preserves were acquired before the Lee County Conservation 20/20 program. The majority are undeveloped natural areas. Some are categorized as Regional Parks and have amenities such as marked hiking trails, parking, public programs, etc.